
Also known as rhytidectomy

A facelift is the most comprehensive approach to treating facial wrinkles and sagging caused by aging. The surgery varies in range from minimally invasive ‘lunchtime lifts’ to more extensive, sophisticated surgery. A facelift removes excess skin, tightens underlying tissues and muscle and redrapes skin on the face and neck. It can correct midface sagging, marionette lines, jowls and a double chin, maintaining its reputation as the ‘gold standard’ for facial rejuvenation. Every year, thousands of people undergo successful facelift surgery and are pleased with the results.

When to Consider a Facelift

• If you feel that your face does not reflect your youthful spirit and energy level
• If you determine that your facial sagging and excess skin is a social or career obstacle
• If you show signs of facial aging but still have some skin elasticity
• One day you look in the mirror and realize that time, gravity, sun exposure and heredity have taken a toll and you simply do not look like yourself any more.

A facelift is the most comprehensive approach to treating facial wrinkles and sagging caused by aging. The surgery varies in the range from minimally invasive ‘lunchtime lifts’ to more extensive, sophisticated surgery. A facelift removes excess skin, tightens underlying tissues and muscle and redrapes skin on the face and neck. It can correct midface sagging, marionette lines, jowls and a double chin, maintaining its reputation as the ‘gold standard’ for facial rejuvenation. Every year, thousands of people undergo successful facelift surgery and are pleased with the results.

When to Consider a Facelift:

  • If you feel that your face does not reflect your youthful spirit and energy level.
  • If you determine that your facial sagging and excess skin is a social or career obstacle.
  • If you show signs of facial aging but still have some skin elasticity.
  • One day you look in the mirror and realize that time, gravity, sun exposure and heredity have taken a toll and you simply do not look like yourself any more.

Facelift Combos and Alternatives:

A facelift can deliver exceptional outcomes. In any case, the strategy just focuses on specific parts of the face to be specific, the mid-confront, bring down face and jaw line. You may locate that different ranges of your face require consideration or rather than those regions that can be tended to facelift. In this situation, your specialist may prescribe extra or option methods.

  • Neck lifts.
  • Eyelid surgery
  • Brow lift
  • Jaw surgery
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Otoplasty

Your Facelift Consultation:

If you are interested in experiencing a facelift surgery, your initial step is to learn as much as you can about the technique and alternatives. Next, plan a consultation with a plastic surgeon specialist Dr. Luis Redondo, he will examine your facial skin, inspect your facial skin, tissue and bone structure, and ask about your objectives for surgery like fully evaluate facelift cost and make sure you have taken everything into account, including postoperative bandages and medications.

Face lift in Dominican Republic

To view more Before & After


Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the procedure take?

Every situation is unique, but generally Facelift surgery is about 4-5 hours long.

Will it be performed under local or general anesthesia?

General anesthesia.

How long will I be out of work?

About 10 days depending on the level of activity required by the job.

What should I expect after my procedure?

Patients may experience temporary bruising, swelling, and soreness of the ears.

Do I need special testing prior to my procedure?

Testing is dependent on the patient’s health history and age. Testing is ordered for every patient.

Will this be covered by insurance?


When can I start exercising after my procedure?

Patients may resume exercising in 2-4 weeks.

How much does surgery cost?

Every situation is unique and the cost of surgery depends on several factors. The duration of the procedure varies on how extensive the surgery is. The duration will then determine the price of anesthesia and how long the surgical facility will be scheduled for. In order to provide the most accurate surgical fee estimate, it is necessary to meet with one of our board certified physicians for a consultation.

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